Main Page

From makernexuswiki


Maker Nexus is a makerspace in Sunnyvale, California. This Wiki provides information about Maker Nexus, and also about making in the South Bay and making in general. The main contributors to this wiki are members of Maker Nexus, however anyone in the world wide community is welcome to help. If you'd like to contribute, please sign up for a FREE account. Once you've created an account we will give you access to edit and add to this wiki. (Note that right now only admins can change this home page. If you want to change the home page, just message us and we will get it set up.) If you need to practice your wiki editing skill - it's easy once you get used to it - try this sandbox page.

This is an open wiki for makers. It is also the repository of public information about Maker Nexus' makerspace in Sunnyvale, California. We document a lot of our organization in this wiki. Read about us here.

This wiki is about fabrication and making and a bit of hacking. It covers tools, techniques, materials, settings, and sources. Frankly, we set it up so that we wouldn't forget all the good things we have learned through hard work and getting help from our friends. Everyone is welcome to use our information.

Major Areas

Tools and Tips


Maker Nexus

Maker Spaces and Resources

More Stuff

  • Member Projects - tell us about what you've made
  • Other Stuff - a place to start new areas of information. If you have some good info but don't know where to put it, then dump it here and someone will figure out where to put it in this wiki.

About This Wiki

If you want to contribute but don't know how to edit a mediawiki, then you might consult the User's Guide. Or contact Jim Schrempp and he will help you get started.

Terms of Service