Food stuff

From makernexuswiki

Making can be done in the kitchen as well!

The Science of Cooking

Resources that tell you what's really going on in your pots and pans.

  • Modernist Cuisine and Modernist Cuisine at Home by Nathan Myhrvold, et al. A billionaire hires top chefs and a warehouse of top end equipment to figure out how to make the best of every recipe. In the five volume set you find that five star potato salad takes six days to make and involves both a centrifuge and a roto-vap. In the At Home volume they present recipes using techniques you can do at home.


  • How To Bake Bread: The Five Families of Bread and it's follow on How to Bake More Bread by Michael Kalanty is an engineering approach to bread. The author explains why each step in bread baking is important and what happens in that step. He gives the results of experiments in changing the variables. A must read for a home bread experimenter.


Maker Nexus offers an excellent seminar in roasting coffee at home.