LeBlond Regal 13" x 42" Lathe

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LeBlond Regal 13" × 42" Lathe




  • Use of this machine will require a BOSS class, to be developed. Meanwhile use is restricted to approved staff and volunteers.



  • Electrical spec: xxxV 60Hz yyyA zzzW

MN Asset Details

toolname Serial Number Plate
toolname Electrical Plate
toolname Motor
  • Location: Metal Shop
  • Model Number: m#
  • Serial Number: 2B1951 (built in 1959)
  • Motor Serial Number: motorsn
  • MN Asset Number: mnAN

Safety Specifics

All general MN Safety policies of course apply to use of this tool, as do safety policies for the containing shop area and safety practices prescribed in our classes and/or in detailed tool documentation, regardless of whether they're repeated here.


Note: These documents may not be for the exact model of equipment we have.

Our machine was made in 1959.

When we can't find an online manual (or spec sheet or parts list) for the exact model of equipment we have, we may provide a link for a similar model, such as a newer or older model in the same product line, in hope that there will be enough similarities for the document to be useful. If you can provide reliable information about the differences between the models, or if you can provide a link to more appropriate documentation for our model, please update the wiki, or let us know so that we can update it.

And of course if what you read in any documentation, for whatever model, seems discrepant from the appearance or behavior of the equipment in front of you in a way that leaves you unsure of how to proceed safely, don't go charging ahead. Consider the situation more carefully, seek advice from someone more experienced with such equipment, and/or find a different way to approach your task that you can feel confident is safe.

Materials, Tooling, Accessories




Tips & Tricks


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