Hacker Dojo
From makernexuswiki
Web site quote: "Effective March 17th, The physical location of Hacker Dojo is closed. Our online community is still alive and thriving. "
Was located in Santa Clara, 101 and Montague Expressway. 3350 Thomas rd, Santa Clara
about 10,000 sqft. Mostly meeting rooms and a large central area filled with desk level tables. Originally a software co-work space for startups. Has a 20 x 20 area for hardware work and a 20 x 10 room for making. It has one employee, the executive director. He's in the building 9-5 weekdays. The rest of the time the space is unsupervised.
- 501(c)3 non-profit
- $125 / month for 24/7 access (the day you sign up they give you a key)
- Private desks in a secure room are available for $300/month.
- Guests are encouraged ("if they come often then they should join")
- Rooms available for group meetings (but meetings must always be open for members to attend)
- Free printer paper
- Electronics area has a few devices.
- Lulzbot 3D printer
- Big bed Thunder Laser (Nova 51) (very nice)
- table top band saw
- table top drill press
They had some internal strife in the past that you'll see if you google them. They say they have moved beyond it and seem very open to feedback and suggestions.