From makernexuswiki
- This page is about general woodworking tools and tips. For the wood shop at the Maker Nexus makerspace in Sunnyvale, CA, see MN-Woodshop.
Of course, wood! Check out the Wood Database for tons of information about different woods. Identification, strength, finishes, etc.
Are end grain glue joints weak? No! See the short, very interesting test video.
Some local knowledge from our members.
- Tong oil finishes
Bench Vise
- How to pick a vise? A fun video with serious information
Wood Lathe
- Using a skew. Nice video explaining skew angles and when to use each.
Wood Chisels
- Sharpening: The grind on DeWalt chisels is very rough out of the box. The edge isn't durable because it is very jagged. To get a good edge on them you need to carefully flatten the surface of the bevel of the chisel with a rough sharpening stone before moving on to finer grits. Sandpaper is not the right tool for the job.
Basic Tips
- Basic but very good tips about wood
Wood Inlay
- Epoxy wood inlay. Good process from Fine Woodworking.
- Fabulous wood countertop being made. Good tips on the overall process, including epoxy inlay.
Edge Treatment
- An interesting way to cover end grain using plywood. The link drops you to the finished piece, the whole video shows how he did it.
Table Saw
- General intro to table saw safety
- Blade Height - what is the right height for your cut?
- Tablesaw set up - excellent tips on safety that you might not know about.
- Kickback and how to avoid it. Work safely!
- A different kind of kickback!
- Three different blades - why to use each
- Jointer, Planer, Drum sander - what do they each do and why?
- Half laps on the tablesaw without a dado set
- Forstner bits and how to use them
- An analysis of Parallel clamps
- Tips on precision work with our tools
- Showing how tablesaw accidents can happen.