Maker Nexus Equipment

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This page contains links to all the shop sectors. Those pages have information about equipment in each.


Our equipment can be both dangerous and delicate. Before we can let you run a machine by yourself, we need to make sure you can operate it safely and correctly.

If you already know how to use a certain machine, then you only need to pass a short check-off test to be certified. For instance, if you say you know how to use the Epilog laser cutter, then we'll ask you to create and cut a small item while we observe you. We'll ask you about basic laser cutter safety. If you pass this check-off then you will be approved to reserve the machine. Pretty simple, pretty quick.

You can also get checked off anytime we are open, subject to a proctor being available. You can also arrange for a proctor to give you the check-off test by using Slack. (If you don't know this easy online tool, we will help you get going.)


If you have never used a piece of equipment, or feel that you need a brush up on it, we offer regular short classes to take you from "I know nothing" to "let me at it!". We will advertise these to our members. Members can also arrange for a class at a specific time through Slack. Once enough people express interest on Slack, an instructor will arrange to teach it. We are ready to offer them frequently at first as we know lots of people need these to get going. So if you want to learn to use the Prusa 3D printer, go to the #3dprinters channel in Slack and post "I'd like to arrange for a 3D printer class."



If you are interested in adding documentation for equipment in the Maker Nexus Sunnyvale Makerspace, please use the following format to do so as much as is feasible.